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Talbot Finch
May 31, 20222 min read
11. Book Announcement: A Cozy Gothic Romance
Do you ever wake up and realize that three months have passed since you last updated your supposed-to-be-weekly blog? Because that’s me...

Talbot Finch
Feb 23, 20222 min read
10. The Calm After The Storm: Finishing the first draft.
Everyone’s writing process is, of course, different, so this may not be applicable to all reading it. Disclaimer aside, I want to talk...

Talbot Finch
Feb 9, 20222 min read
9. The importance of music in the writing process.
I’m sure not everyone works the same way I do, but when it comes to my writing process, music is a crucial element. I almost always have...

Talbot Finch
Feb 2, 20222 min read
8. A writing update.
As I mentioned a few posts back, I’ve been devoting the bulk of my time to a manuscript. While I am still in the First Draft stage, I...

Talbot Finch
Jan 26, 20221 min read
7. When your writing surprises you.
One of my favorite things about writing is how often it surprises me. Story ideas that I have in mind end up playing out so differently...

Talbot Finch
Jan 19, 20222 min read
6. There’s a million reasons not to write.
There’s no shortage of reasons why one shouldn’t write. I don’t have time. No one will read it anyway. I’m not a good enough writer. I’ve...

Talbot Finch
Jan 12, 20222 min read
5. The push and pull of following your heart.
I’ve made some pretty radical changes in my life over the past year. Namely, I quit my secure 9-to-5 job last summer and decided to shift...

Talbot Finch
Jan 5, 20222 min read
4. Something in the works.
I’ve been working on a manuscript for just over a year now. Not consistently, mind you. But it has been the most ambitious writing...

Talbot Finch
Dec 29, 20211 min read
3. Christmas has come and gone.
The week after Christmas is a complicated time. After weeks of ever-mounting anticipation, there is sudden, overwhelming emptiness. I,...

Talbot Finch
Dec 21, 20211 min read
2. The second post is the hardest.
This might be the most important blog post I ever write, for the simple fact that the second post is oftentimes the hardest. Making your...

Talbot Finch
Dec 16, 20211 min read
1. A Necessary Introduction
My name is Talbot Finch. I am a writer who has discovered my love of the craft in recent years, and I am finally taking steps to share my...
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